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J’aime bien cette façon minimaliste mais efficace de traiter le thème, la manière dont l’espace se réduit progressivement…et d’autres petites subtilités!

merci pour ce retour <3 contente que ça résonne :)


Il y a des périodes où l'énergie nous manque et l'appel du sommeil est insatiable... Courage pour passer ce cap !! 🤗

merci beaucoup pariton ! <3


I wish I knew french. It was really nice even not understanding virtually anything.


They are very simple sentences you can translate. But to sum it up for you, the character keeps repeating "I am  tired" "I just want to sleep". The phone had a missed call and the character said "I'm sleeping.. I'm not answering". The clock said "Its time to get up", the sun has been up for hours but they again repeat "I'm very tired. I'll get up later. I need sleep". A knock on the door asks "how are you?" and they reply "I'm not here". Then some food is left in the corner and the character says "I'm not hungry, I don't feel anything". Lastly, at the end it says "I want to... I can't... I really can't... just let me sleep"


Thank  you!

wow thank's for the translation !<3

I'll just add that at the end it's a little child that calls his mama and that's where she responds "I want to... I can't... I really can't... just let me sleep"


Simple et efficace.
J'espère que tu arriveras à te reposer...

merci 🤗❤️


Hâte de pouvoir dormir


😔🫂 courage ! ❤️


Ohlala quel mood. C’est vraiment mon état d’esprit en ce moment 😭


aïe, câlins et plein de bonnes ondes !!


Joli jeu. J'ai l'aimé (pardon si mon français n'est pas bien, le  français n'est pas ma langue maternelle).


thank you :) (yes it's perfect french ^^)


I might not know anything about french but im sure this is a really good game! Also i recognize some of the words since i speak portuguese-br

Je ne connais peut-être rien au français mais je suis sûr que c'est un très bon jeu! Aussi je reconnais certains des mots depuis que je parle portugais-br

merci ^^ thank you ^^